All about MRIs

MRI is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses a large magnet to scan and capture detailed images of the soft tissue in our bodies.
fMRI is a type of MRI study that measures brain activity by looking at changes in blood flow. Where MRI is used to capture imaging of anatomical structures, fMRI is used to look at metabolic processes.
What is functional MRI (fMRI)?
What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ?
MRI studies are performed by experts in radiology, or the study of medical imaging. Radiologists are doctors who specialize in the use of medical imaging, such as MRI, X-RAY, and other techniques, to diagnose and treat various conditions over the course of human development. Neuroscientists and child development researchers work together with radiologists in order to study brain functioning in infants and children.
Our primary investigator, Moriah Thomason, (pictured right) received her PhD in neuroscience from Stanford School of Medicine and has over 20 years of experience conducting neuroimaging studies!

Who performs MRI studies?
What is involved in an MRI study?
Yes, MRI and fMRI studies are safe. The test is non-invasive, which means it does not involve the use of radiation, sedation, or injection. The only risk applies to individuals with implanted metals in the body, who should not receive MRI studies due to the strength of magnetic resonance used. Other than this exception, the test is safe for children and adults of all ages.

A lot of planning goes into conducting an MRI study for research, especially when children are involved. If you agree to have yourself or your child participate in an MRI study, our team will work closely with you to make sure you know exactly what to expect. There are no fees associated with MRI studies for research, and you will be compensated for your time.